
6 Tips For Beginning Beekeepers To Avoid Stings

Let's face the facts; if you keep bees, stings will happen. But they don't need to become a way of life. It is impossible to get through the entire year without getting stung by honeybees, but here are several specific ways to keep stings to a minimum:The first thing is respect for your bees and for yourself. Respect your bees by understanding how they behave. Respect yourself by taking appropriate actions to prevent stings. Handling your bees is not a contest and the “tough guy” does not win.Even if your task will just take a minute or two, never forget to wear the appropriate clothing. A good combination for beehives in the backyard would be: netted veil, long denim pants, long-sleeved ‘beekeeper’s blouse’, a pair of tall working boots and a pair of gloves. You can substitute latex gloves if you think thick working gloves impede your hands’ dexterity or if you have a latex allergy. For longer tasks, you may want to consider a full coverall style suit.When you are working with your colony, always move slowly and gently. No sudden movements - your honeybees will appreciate it if you don’t wholesale on ps3 cause any major commotion in the hive. Too much agitation can actually cause your colony to slow down production for several days or to even abandon their hive completely.Don’t accidentally smash your honeybees! It might be frustrating at first, trying to pull out the wooden frames for inspection with all the honeybees crawling on it. However, crushing or swatting them away is not the proper way to handle your bees. Instead, use a soft-bristled bee brush to gently “encourage” them from one hand grip aluminum blue side to another as you go about your work. Keep control of your frames while inspecting them. Always remember to hold the wooden frame firmly. Dropping a frame full of worker bees (or the queen) can cause complete mayhem in your colony. You could wind up with many bees that will never return bees that won’t produce and you are sure to be stung many times.Feeding frenzies can be prevented if you keep the area surrounding the beehive free of open containers filled with sweet food substitutes like wholesale xbox sugar syrup. If you need to bring supplemental foodstuffs near your beehive, keep the containers tightly sealed and as far away from the hive as possible until you ready to use them.Bee stings are not fun and angry bees won’t produce much honey. By taking just a few simple precautions you can make bee stings a rare occasion.

